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Tuesday Session Log: 12/15/2020

Writer's picture: TreeSparrowTreeSparrow

ISR - Age of Unification

Tuesday Session


Date: 12.15.2020


Then went into the Obaish, they encountered the Turi looking for the tablet that Entaurus had. Some conflict, they learned that the contact that Entaurus had was captured and they’re trying to find him. They are in the maintenance halls of the station. They Fought. Uma killed her. They had the blueprints of this area. Two more enemies ran out.


They roll for Incitive.


More guys are appearing out of the hallway towards them. Many things are hanging around and in the way of them in this rather large room—hundreds of square feet.


Morrak goes first for combat.

Two Turi and a third behind them come out. They don’t recognize them.


Morrak rolls for shooting one of their knees.

Morrak shots for Turi number 2. The Turi attempts to fly out of the way, but he still hits him right in the knee and stumbles. His wings are keeping him upright.

Morrak takes off up into the rafters. He rolls stealth. He hides up there and draws his bow.


Aera tries to shoot the other Turi in the knee. The Turi jumps off in the hallway, Aera tries to reshoot him, but he gets away.

The Turi comes back again. Aera tries to reshoot his knee. The Turi tries to dodge, but Aera does get his knee. He deals significate damage, but his armor absorbs a fair amount of it. He’s bleeding blueish blood.


Uma tries to rip of wings. He jumps towards the Turi. He is next to them. He rolls a grapple to try to get their wings. He goes after the same one Aera shot.

He does manage to grab his wing. He tears it but does not tear it off.


Luca throws his staff dagger, but the Turi dodges. Luca jumps down and retrieves his dagger where it is stuck in the wall. Luca grabs it and retreats.


Nesrin watches Turi 1. He has a patch on one leg, possibly from the fight earlier. She eyes the third guy in the back. Then she goes after the Turi. She moves down to the Turi and sprints toward them. She latches both of her blades into his collar bones and yanks him towards her and onto the floor. The Turi dies. Uma is just standing there holding the wings of the other Turi and then awkwardly drops them.


Entaurus rolls perception for the guy in the back of the tunnel. He’s wearing a hood, and under the hood, he seems to be glowing. He thinks it might be a Gallen?

He tries to connect to comms to get the station to shut down the exit and entrance onto the station. He gets a hold of security. He awkwardly talks to them. Tries to get them to shut down. They send down security.

He tries to persuade a Turi? The Turi holds out a hand to him, and he doesn’t know what to do…He is skeptical but takes his hand. He grabs him in a vice-like grip and then puts his hands on his head. He gets a surge of knowledge. He watches as he helps them capture his contact. Dragging him off. The ship behind them, and then it catches up to the present. He takes nerve damage. He tears his brain apart. He’s screaming in agony.


The other Turi is trying to get away from them and then points a rifle at Luca. He rolls an attack against Luca. He is shot in the chest. He gets flung back and slides across the floor for several feet, freaking out. He scrambles away.

He then goes after Nesrin tanks the shot. She takes 8 damage. She’s down to three health.

Uma gets out of the way of Nesrin flying backward.


The Yurian drops Entaurus and then walks towards Luca, locking his mind on him. Luca is having a crap night. He takes two nerve damage. He feels his mind bend under the will of the Yurian like it’s melting.


Morrak goes after the Yurian from above. He Shoots him in the head, right in the dome of his head, breaks the helmet and goes through his head to the floor, and just hits the floor.


The other Turi surrenders.


Entaurus is rolling on the ground in thrashing pain. Morrak flies down, and everyone congregates around the Turi. Luca withdraws, hiding in the dark. Entaurus slowly gets up and sees what’s going on.


They hear thrusters turning on in the background.


Aera rolls perception for the thrusters. He just knows ship thrusters.


Entaurus thinks about firing but does not. His hand is knocked out of the way. He goes to the airlock instead and rolls perception to see if it is still connected. The airlock is shut, but they see a transport on a dock outside.

He yells to the group behind to tell them that he’s going.


Aera is searching the dead bodies. He finds an interesting scanning device on the dead Turi. A mark two scanner. He puts it into his helmet, upgrading his armor.


Uma walks over to him, jabs a knife into his leg and twists it, and tells him to talk. He’s bleeding lots from his leg now. He does not die but starts to screech at him, “WHATTT?! I already said everything!”

Entaurus tells them to stop.


Luca is in pain, threatening to stab people if they come near him. Basically, in a fetal position.


Morrak is trying to heal the Turi and tells someone to help Entauras, so he doesn’t kill himself.


Nesrin isn’t doing much because of the damage she took.


Entaurus goes into the airlock. He sees the ship trying to take off. The door swings open, and he is greeted by a large reptile type thing. He’s holding a person in his hands. Entaurus kind of recognizes the figure. The Reptile threatens to throw the girl into space. The Reptile starts to squeeze the figure and then stops.

Entaurus rolls perception on the Reptile. He notices his advanced armor. He tries to talk to him and tries to contact his contact, but he isn’t there really. (He’s Daovian). Humanoid like.

He tries to tap into his suit but finds nothing.

The Reptile wants his crew back, what’s left anyway.

He tries to hack the ship, but it’s leaving.


Luca tries to follow Entaurus and sees what is going on in the airlock.


Morrak kinda heels the Turi and gets him back to four health.


Entaurus is unable to hack into the ship.


Luca is hurrying back towards them to let them know as J is letting them know via comms.


Aera finds a mark, two medi pen and medi pen the Turi. He kind of recovers. And then Aera punches him.


Luca threatens to punch Aera.


Morrak takes the Turi back towards the airlock. The Turi is thankful for him but even states he wouldn’t have helped if it had been the other way around. ____________

The Reptile is a Drake. J asks them why he is there. He just wants his people back.


Morrak knocks on the airlock before he enters. The door glides open, and Morrak and The Turi walk in. They vanish. The Humanoid is on the floor.


The security comes in and sees that they’ve handled it and then leaves rather…yeah… They’re just terrible.


Entaurus gets his badge number so he can report him. They all are bragging about each other.


The contact is all beaten and bruises, hands prints of hands on his face. He sits up gently. They talk. Entaurus doesn’t know what to do. The Yurian took his info. But he admits he isn’t the only rat and wasn’t the main one, but he was the one that was caught. He was confused about what was going on and found the rat, and she advised him to contact his people, but he doesn’t know where she is now. He asks who everyone is.

Aera scoffs at him and then grumbles about Decs

Luca doesn’t answer either, just groans and slumps to the floor.

Morrak asks him what he believes. The Daovian believes people are trying to get rid of the Clan Leyell.

The Daovian lets them know that he has a ship, but it’s docked at another station. His helmet is almost entirely useless, but he’s okay. They try to reason that they could sell the ship, but he refuses. He likes his ship.


Uma’s datapad beeps. It’s a voice message. Uma refuses to not respond and then says, captain. It asks where you are. Uma tells him vaguely he’s with a group. The voice says he’s acting weird. He’s not sure who it is. Uma is quiet for a moment before he says no. They think there might be something wrong with him. But he still might be able to do his job. The ring in his system is a significant threat. And because he didn’t give him his actual designation, he can’t say who he is.

Uma finds the situation attractive. He kinda thinks it over and tries to call them back but to no avail. He just sits there thinking it over, unsure what to do.


They start discussing the gate, and they talk about what they can do. Whether they want to go to the monks where the other rat might be. They discuss how they figured out how he was a rat. He discovered that Clan Lyell is running Majora tech. They decide to go to the monks.


They head back towards their hotel rooms. Discussing where and what they are doing.


Morrak wants to go to the monks badly because he is religious.


Luca tries to sneak off, and he catches his leg on something and growls at J. Nobody cares as he


They all go back to full health and level up to 2.



14 views2 comments


Courtney L (Q)
Courtney L (Q)
Jan 17, 2021

Cool! Thank you!


Cole Longacre
Cole Longacre
Jan 13, 2021

Awesome thank you, Amber!!!

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